Ventriculoperitneal (VP) Shunt for Hydrocephalus

A VP shunt is a medical device that is inserted into an area of the brain called a ventricle where the fluid is located. This device diverts excess fluid and helps to create a normal flow of CSF. Some shunts have a programmable valve to regulate the flow.

The patient will be given a general anaesthetic for this procedure. The area behind your ear will be shaved clean of hair and will be sterilised before a small incision is made. The surgeon will then drill a small hole in the skull. A catheter is then inserted into the brain through this hole. Another catheter is inserted just under the skin behind your ear and travels down past your chest into your abdomen. A valve is connected to the catheter coming from the brain.

Patients usually stay in hospital for 2 days. No special care is needed on discharge and depends on the underlying pathology as to what caused the obstruction of flow. Some patients might need to go to a step down facilty for a while.


Dr MJD Jacobsohn qualified in 2007 at the University of Cape Town. He then completed an AO spinal fellowship at the Spinal Unit of Groote Schuur Hospital. He started full time private practice at Mediclinic Vergelegen in 2009 when he joined the established practice of Dr LS Wessels as his associate. A comprehensive range of cranial and spinal neurosurgical pathology are managed by Dr Jacobsohn.


physical address Block 2, Room 9, Mediclinic Vergelegen, Main Road, Somerset West, 7130

telephone number Tel: +27 (0)21 840 7002


Due to a long waiting list, Dr. Jacobsohn only accepts written referrals from medical doctors. Please ensure you have a referral from your healthcare provider before requesting an appointment.